
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Water Fowl in Winter

           Watching the sunset on the lake, 18 degrees Fahrenheit outside, but the sea gulls don’t seem to care. They float tranquilly in a large gathering. One cadre swims steadily upstream, moving fast compared to the ones who sit still. Is there a reason they move this way? Are they the patrol group? The ones who get cold if they’re still? All I can do is guess based on human patterns, with no idea about sea gulls in water in winter.
            As I drive away I see the lake source cooling building uphill, wonder if its outflow is warmer and that’s why the sea gulls congregate right here. It was very controversial when it was proposed, taking in the lake water to cool the huge university campus. People were concerned it would raise the lake temperature with the warmed water it cycled back into the lake. The gulls might be a sign of the outcome.
            For no apparent reason, I think of the constructed wetlands built at the Omega institute. Maybe because it is the opposite of this building, since it was designed to have a definite positive effect on water, not just to save money for a big institution. When I think of the Omega wetlands, I get the idea of making short video vignettes of “Ways Water Works,” positive, possible, inspiring. Why not?

            Apologies for not writing in a while.  My vacation ended, my Mexican water stories dried up, so to speak and my primary vocation began again, teaching video production. Water is my passion that haunts me all the time.

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